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"All colors from black to pure white are allowed."
from: The Standard for Siberian Huskies (AKC, FCI)

An overview of the various colors within the breed.

Jet Black

Individual hairs of the outercoat are solid black from root to tip. A monochrome coat. The coat on hindquarters, tail and ears is deep black.

The undercoat is black or dark grey.

Jet black dogs usually also have very dark pigmentation on their paw pads.


Individiual hairs of the outer coat are white at the root, but for the latter part black. Some solid white hairs are present as well. Yellow and brownish hairs are to be found on hindquarters, tail and ears.

The undercoat may be beige, white or charcoal or often a mixture of the three.

Dilute/Silver Black

The hairs of the outercoat are mostly white, ending with a black tip. No yellow or brownish hairs are present, only grey. The dogs are black on the head and along the spine. Silver on the hindquarters, tail and ears.

The undercoat is white.


Wolf Grey

The outercoat is yellow/brownish colored, starting at the root of the hair, and ending in a black tip. Casts of beige, tan, yellow or red behind the ears, on the hindquarters and in the saddle area.

The undercoat is beige.


Individual hairs of the outercoat are crème and/or grey/brownish colored at the root, and ending in a black tip.

The undercoat is usually a mixture of beige and silver.


The outercoat is of various shades of white; black often only tipping the hair. It gives a silver impression on the head, back and hindquartes and somewhat darker along the spine. No brownish tones.

The undercoat is light grey or white.


White with black saddle

Not a color, but a pattern. The dog is white with piebald markings restricted to the saddle and croupe. The outercoat at the saddle area is like a black dog. On other parts same as the white dog.

The undercoat is white or silver, but coat may be banded or monochromatic.

Pinto / Piebald

A basically white dog with colored 'plates' either on the head only, the rump only or on both. The plates can be any of the colors common in the breed, usually being black, grey or red.

The undercoat is white or silver, but coat may be banded or monchromatic.

White and Isabella white

The outercoat may be monochromatic or banded with silver tipping. The Isabella White has buff tones on ears, saddle, above hock and elbow and in the tail.

The undercoat is silver or white in the pure white dog and white with some beige and yellow in the Isabella White dog.



The outercoat is deep red, copper or even brown. The coat is monochrome red and as in Jet Black dogs, the coloring has the same intensity all over the body, including ears, hindquarters and tail.

The undercoat is copper, red or brown.

Eyes are either amber or blue, or one of each, but never brown. The nose is always liver colored.


The outercoat is clear red and fits the color of apricot. The outercoat is white at the root, but for the latter part red, with a few solid white hairs intermixed. No black points.

The undercoat is white with red tones. No black points.

Eyes are either amber or blue, or one of each, but never brown. The nose is always liver colored.

Dilute Red

The outercoat is light red with much white. Like in the dilute black the overall impression is a soft toned version of the jet colored specimen.

The undercoat is white.

Eyes are either amber or blue, or one of each, but never brown. The nose is always liver colored.



Individual hairs of the outercoat are reddish at the root, ending with a black tip. The black is especially present along at the saddle area.

The undercoat is red, chocolate or copper, never beige as in the Wolf Grey.

Dilution factors influence shades. It is a rare color. Sables are also termed as 'Black-nosed Reds'.

Wolf Brown

The outercoat has a definite tone of brown, rather then reddish or copper as in sables. The dog can have white or cream white markings on the regular areas like face, chest, legs and tail.

The undercoat is beige to cream white.

This color is much seen in dogs from Igloo Pak lineage.


The outer coat is always banded with black at the root and tip and yellow in the center band. A grizzled effect is usually present in the saddle area. The dog is usually solid colored with no to only little white. The white markings are not really white but cream.

The undercoat is charcoal.

This color is called 'wild coloring'.

Roll the mouse over the photos to view under lying pictures.

See for more striking color patterns: The Colors of The Siberian Husky

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