
to vargevass

"The Siberian Husky never appears so heavy or coarse as to suggest a freighting animal; nor is he so light and fragile as to suggest a sprint-racing animal."
from: The Standard for Siberian Huskies (AKC, FCI).

A view on the different types within the breed.

Show type

In general, specimens of the show-type are heavy boned, short backed, thick chested and short legged, i.e. a short upperam and almost no pastern. The deepest point of the chest is below the elbows, hindering freedom of movement in harness.
Angulation is insufficient in both front and rear.

The head is little elegant with a relatively wide skull and short, broad muzzle.
The eyes are often round.

The show-type does not fit the standard. Being heavy and coarse, it gives the impression of a freight dog.

Standard/working type

This type can be considered moderate all over. It has moderate bone and medium length of leg. The back is neither too short nor too long. The chest is well developped with the deepest point of the chest level with the elbows.

The head is elegant and neither wide, nor narrow in skull, with medium length of muzzle. Eyes are almond shaped giving a keen and friendly expression.

This type fits the standard closest. Being neither heavy boned and short-legged nor extremely light-boned and long legged.

Sprint-racing type

In general, specimens of the sprint-type are light-boned, long in back, excessively long legged & straight shouldered with poor front assembly. The elbows are placed far below the ribcage. The pasterns are excessively long.

The head is either snipy with long muzzle or flat and broad with little to no stop; often missing the pleasing head Siberians are known for.
The coat is often very short.

Being too light and fragile, the sprint-racing type does not fit the standard.

Move the mouse over the pictures to view under laying photos

Above drawings of show type and standard/working type dogs are by Kent Allender
author of: "Conformation: An Advanced Study" (ISHC 1977)

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